Is Information Architecture dead? With Abby Covert | Good Morning UX

Rafael Burity
2 min readJan 24, 2022


Louis Rosenfeld spoke some time ago, in ILA 2019 at Medellin, about the death of Information Architecture. He made this provocation based on the search in google for example.

We are living in a kind of What If episode when some people decide to teach about UX without this knowledge. Maybe it’s for shame or just ignorance. But, what are the problems this made in our industry when we think about IA and digital products?

We decided to start this new project called Good Morning UX, an extension of another show called Bom Dia UX, with such special-international guests. Actually, we invited 6 professionals who are references for us and that have so much history in our industry.

For this, we invited Abby Covert, an information architect who loves to make sense of messes, to talk to us about, obviously, Information Architecture.

Follow Abby on these links:

Abby’s book:


Related Links:


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This is the Bom Dia UX, a live show produced and launched at the Design Team channel every Wednesday at 7 am, in the Brazilian time zone.

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Rafael Burity




Originally published at Rafael Burity.



Rafael Burity

Just a brazilian designer from Rio de Janeiro living in Porto - PT. Design Manager at Boa Vista | |