As a real geek person I have always been a fan of comic books, movies, games and this sort of things from this culture. And then this made me love the art of drawing. But my interest in technology has been driving my steps too.

This diversity of interests made me go through some of my experiences until I worked as a penciler and inkler in a digital comic initiative.

With a technical degree in data processing and a bachelor degree in Computer Science, besides the studies of comic book arts, illustration and artistic drawing I consider myself a professional with a huge diversity background. This made me the professional that I am today. I guess that a good design leader has at least two points of view. They are 1) the vision of the future about design to the company and how it can improve the results 2) the way to build the team to deliver the vision.

With 19 years of experience in several industries such as marketing, advertising agencies, technology, finance, press, defense, and air traffic management working as a designer, web designer, Information architecture, UX designer, and leader, I have been helping companies to synthesize the content and context, offering the best solutions for the business and the customer experience, in addition to seeking the evolution and management of design in companies.

I definitely believe that Design can be an important part of business and, because of that, the Leadership of design, and through design, is essential to get this outcome.

Leadership is just another design problem.

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